Easter 2024 front of card
Easter 2024 back of card

We hope you'll join us for our 2-part Easter Sermon series, "How the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Leads to Worship", beginning Good Friday, March 29, at 6:30 p.m. During the Good Friday service, we'll celebrate Communion and take a look at "Why We Worship", studying John 12:12-26. Childcare will not be available during the Good Friday service; however, cry rooms and rooms for nursing mothers will be open.  

The Easter series will culminate with three Easter Sunday services on March 31. In addition to our regular Sunday morning service times of 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., we're excited to once again host a special Easter morning Sunrise Service at 7:30 a.m. (no childcare).  On Easter morning, we'll look at John 20:19-31, one man’s journey from wrestling with doubt to worshipful devotion because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Children's Ministry classes will be open on Easter morning during regular worship times (9:00 a.m.: Birth-4th grades; 10:45 a.m.: Birth-6th grades). 

Livestream will be available at 10:45 a.m. Grab an invitation or two at the welcome desk and invite your friends to join us!