We’re still smiling from all the excitement last week as we were encouraged to be “All In” at Fellowship in 2025! We hope you’ve been prayerfully considering how you will be “ALL IN” this year! If you missed last week’s great message, be sure to check it out on our YouTube channel: YouTube.com/fellowshipwaco, and join us tomorrow as we look at how we can be united in our passion of growing in grace!
We had a wonderful time worshipping with you last Sunday! We hope you will join us again for another great day of worship this weekend! Check out last Sunday’s songs again on our Spotify playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/13fmE24AchjesdkMTgsPnG?si=lhzSCEZ7TPOqt6ZvcDsvoA&pi=u-wjC__lXnRz-t #SundaySetlist #SundayWorship
During last Sunday’s service, we talked about Stephen Ministry and the Christian care they provide to those experiencing difficulties. We hope you will join us for our Stephen Ministry Interest Meeting this Sunday morning, Jan. 19, at 10:45am in the Oak Room, as we look for others who would be willing to serve in this much needed capacity. Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one confidential care and support to hurting people. We’d love to tell you more about how you can help support others facing challenging circumstances. You can also watch our latest informational video and find more details here: https://fellowshipwaco.org/stephen-ministry/. See you on Sunday!
If you’re between the ages of 18-24, our 1824 Young Adult LIFE Group is for you! We meet every Sunday morning in the North Foyer Loft at 10:45am. During January & February we’re discussing “Spiritual Life Hacks”. Join us! More info: https://fellowshipwaco.orgyoungadults1824/.
There are so many things happening at Fellowship over the next few months! Keep this cheat sheet handy so you don’t miss out on anything! Visit our website for all the details! https://fellowshipwaco.org/
Small group Bible studies, MomLIFE, and new Spiritual Formation classes begin the week of February 2 and registration is now open! Visit https://fellowshipwaco.org/spring2025studies/ for details and registration!
Weekday Check-in with Pastor Grant: Let’s make it a daily priority to grow deep in our relationship with Christ and to bear much fruit as we reach out in Jesus’ name!
Catalyst is this weekend! Please be in prayer for our students, leaders, and volunteers! Parents, are your kids registered? It’s going to be an unbelievable weekend! https://fellowshipwaco.org/students/
Fellowship Women’s Ministry invites you to join us on Saturday, January 25, from 8:30-10:30am for a morning of food, fun, fellowship and The Music of Worship. Enjoy a continental breakfast as we catch a glimpse of a behind-the-scenes look at worship presented by Karen Marlin and our worship team to help us consider why we sing and the stories behind what we sing! This event is free, but please RSVP online by Wednesday, January 22, so that we can prepare adequately. Details and registration online at fellowshipwaco.org/womens-events/. We hope to see you there!