Fellowship Kids
(1st - 4th Grades)
Jennifer Ables, Kids Ministry Director
Sunday Mornings
9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. First Service
10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Second Service
Children in 1st through 4th grade meet in their regular classrooms during both hours. If you have any questions, please contact our Kids Ministry Director, Jennifer Ables: jennifer.ables@fellowshipwaco.org.
Wednesday Evenings
Our Wednesday evening groups will resume on September 11. We look forward to seeing you!
1st-4th grade students promote once a year in August based on the child's grade level for the current school year.
For More Information on Children's Ministry (1st-4th Grade), contact:
Jennifer Ables, Kids Ministry Director | jennifer.ables@fellowshipwaco.org
Volunteers Needed
Our growing Children's Ministry still needs more volunteers to help care for our kids! It's easier than you think, so rewarding, and a great serving opportunity! All lessons and activities are already prepared for the teachers and assistants! Opportunities to serve are available during both services on Sunday mornings. You can serve every week, every other week or even once per month! Please use the link below to visit our SERVE page and sign up, or contact Jennifer Ables at: jennifer.ables@fellowshipwaco.org for more information.
Click here for more information about
Volunteer Opportunities to Serve