Belonging to a Church is a vital part of the Christian walk. At Fellowship Bible Church, membership is not an achieved status - it is an ongoing lifestyle. It is not passive, but active. A member of Fellowship Bible Church is someone who...

  • has personally trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
  • is committed to our mission and vision.
  • is actively involved in our church.

Membership at Fellowship Bible Church begins with these steps:

  • Attend our Discover LIFE @ Fellowship class
  • Work through our membership packet with pastor or elder
    • What does Membership at Fellowship mean?
    • Share Your Personal Testimony
    • Explore Ministry Opportunities
  • Introduction to Congregation
Discover LIFE Membership Class 2024 (1)

Discover Life Membership Class

Next Class: Sunday, August 18

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  Sycamore Room

If you're interested in finding out more about Fellowship Bible Church,  join us as we discover LIFE together!

Learn from our pastors about :

  • What we believe
  • Our Mission and Vision
  • How you can partner with us to help grow deep and reach out

For more information, call the church office at 254-848-7200 or email