outreach slide updated 9.19.23

Eight Days of Hope (9 x 5 in.)

Eight Days of Hope is a Christian, nonprofit organization that exists to love and serve those in need who are facing natural or human disasters. As an Outreach Partner of Fellowship Bible Church, we hope to communicate with, equip, and organize church members to be ready to deploy to any of the four arms of the ministry to which they feel called. This will include sending rapid response relief efforts as soon as natural disaster strikes, construction workers and families to thoroughly planned rebuild projects, cooking enthusiasts to meet mass feeding needs, and experienced tradespeople to partner with organizations that exist as a safe place for human trafficking survivors.

If you have any questions, please contact Dakota Harp by phone or text at 830-385-5122. You can also find out more about Eight Days of Hope by visiting their website: eightdaysofhope.com.

Stars Book Clubs Aug 2024 (9 × 5 in)

Volunteer with STARS Book Clubs! Book Clubs are a collaboration of volunteers from more than 30 churches who are loving their neighbors by meeting weekly with Waco ISD elementary children. Fellowship’s mentors serve at J.H. Hines Elementary, our partner school in Waco ISD.  Mentors read with a small group of students during their lunch and build relationships with them. With as little as 30 minutes once a week, you can build a friendship with kids and give them the crucial support they need to succeed in school and in life!

  • thirty minutes, once a week
  • any weekday
  • any time between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

For more information, please email Fellowship's STARS liaison, Erin Davis, at bedavis@hot.rr.com, or visit starsbookclubs.com.

school volunteers with text 2024
Lunch Buddies & Morning Mentors Fall 2024

Opportunities at Speegleville Elementary School:

  • Lunch Buddies: Fellowship partners with Speegleville Elementary School, our partner school in Midway ISD, in a mentoring program called "Lunch Buddies". This is an opportunity to invest in children in first through fifth grade, providing reading support and encouragement in a small group setting. Mentors spend 25 minutes with the students during their lunch time, once a week. If you have any questions about our mentoring opportunities for 2024-25 with Speegleville Lunch Buddies, please email Erin Davis at bedavis@hot.rr.com.
  • Morning Mentors: A team of men from Fellowship recently were part of a pilot program for life-to-life mentoring with Speegleville Elementary’s male students. Morning Mentors” takes place on campus before school, with an emphasis on encouragement, coaching, and building a friendship. Please email Erin Davis at bedavis@hot.rr.com if you have any questions or would like to know more about being a Morning Mentor.
Care Net Volunteer needs 2023 edited (9 × 5 in) (2)

Fellowship Bible Church is privileged to partner in ministry with Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas. Care Net serves new and expectant mothers and their children with support services, along with a 28 bed facility with extended stay accommodations for those facing homelessness. The primary services provided by Care Net are pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, case management, parenting and life-skills classes, baby/maternity supplies, and housing during and after pregnancy. Care Net services are free of charge, thanks to donations from the community. Care Net serves over 3,000 women a year, of all ages, races and of all socio-economic backgrounds.

Care Net has several volunteer opportunities available! Volunteering at Care Net is a great way to get involved in our community. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please visit the Care Net website at https://pregnancycare.org/volunteer, or call 254-772-8270.


Twice monthly, as an extension of Fellowship Bible's MomLIFE, our moms host MomLIFE @ CareNet. During each gathering our moms lead a Bible study, share a breakfast, and enjoy a craft with the moms of CareNet. If you would like to support this ministry outreach, please consider providing breakfast items through our meal train link: https://mealtrain.com/1vk2kq.

For more information about CareNet, visit their website: https://pregnancycare.org/. If you would like to learn more about this outreach ministry, please contact Jennifer Gates, jenndgates@gmail.com.

Isaiah 117 logos with tagline and trademark

Fellowship is excited to begin a partnership with Isaiah 117 House to assist in their mission to provide physical and emotional support in a safe and loving home for children awaiting foster care placement. In addition to caring for children, Isaiah 117 House exists to encourage, support, and lighten the load for case workers and foster families. Through lavishly loving on these children just as Christ lavishly loves us, trauma can be reduced and the light of Christ can shine through during these difficult times.

If you would like to know more about Isaiah 117 House and how you can get involved, contact Becca Walker, at rebeccayoes@gmail.com or visit their website: https://isaiah117house.com/mclennan-county-tx, or Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/isaiah117housemclennantx.

OCC Boxes 2024 (9 × 5 in) (4)

Operation Christmas Child provides local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children with the Good News of Jesus Christ. OCC ships these simple gifts outside the United States to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease.

How Can You Get Involved?
  1. Pray for this ministry, that many children will hear about Jesus this year
  2. Pack a shoebox, anytime, all year long (you can find a list of suggested gifts at samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/what-goes-in-my-shoebox-suggestions/); or pack an online shoebox (for instructions, visit samaritanspurse.org/buildonline).
  3. Volunteer! Join our team!
    • Christmas in July - help hand out shoeboxes after Sunday services for school sales shoppers.  Contact Kay Holze: kayholze@gmail.com
    • October-November: Operation Christmas Child Countdown - help hand out shoeboxes after Sunday services in Oct. & Nov. Contact Kay Holze: kayholze@gmail.com
    • National Collection Week, Nov. 17-24 - help collect, "carton" and load church truck for delivery to central drop-off location.  Contact Kay Strauss: kay.strauss69@gmail.com
Questions?  Contact Kay Holze kayholze@gmail.com or Kay Strauss kay.strauss69@gmail.com.

For more information about Operation Christmas Child, visit their website at: samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/.


Mission Waco provides Christian-based, holistic, relationship-based programs that empower the poor and marginalized. They seek to mobilize middle-class Americans to become more compassionately involved among the poor and seek ways to overcome the systemic issues of social injustice which oppress the poor and marginalized. Fellowship enjoys partnering with Mission Waco periodically to help serve those in need in the Waco area. 

Crisis in Ukraine resized

In response to the crisis in Ukraine, here are two opportunities to financially give toward Ukrainian Aid. Both Samaritan's Purse and EFCA's ReachGlobal provide tangible, physical care and support for Ukrainian refugees, while also offering them spiritual encouragement and pointing them to the hope we have in Jesus. As we continue to pray for peace, let's also pray that doors may be opened for the spreading of the gospel.

Samaritan's Purse Ukraine Response

EFCA Ukraine Response

If you are interested in serving in the Outreach Ministry, click the link below to go to our SERVE page and fill out an interest form. We'd love for you to join our team!

Volunteer Opportunities to Serve