Grant Kaul, Senior Pastor
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7
A great reverence for God produces a great receptivity toward His word.
If you are a new believer in Christ, we naturally ask, “How do you begin to live by faith in God, who has made you and saved you?” The Book of Proverbs, which we are studying and reading through as a church during January, answers that question in its initial verses. Begin by focusing on who God is.
You have likely had the experience of meeting and conversing with someone you really respect. You didn’t have to tell yourself to pay attention because you were alert and ready to engage. Your high view of that person put you on “high alert” for what they had to say. The principle is also true when it comes to our relationship with God.
A great reverence for God produces a great receptivity for His Word. As the Book of Proverbs emphasizes, wisdom begins with a holy fear and awe of God (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10). Foolish people, on the other hand, despise God’s wisdom for life because they have little reverence for God in their soul.
Discipleship is the process of leading people into a deep awe and adoration for God, yielding a depth of love, obedience, and service to Christ. Our days and our ministries must begin with a reverence for Him.
As you go through this week, think and express great thoughts of God and experience how a holy fear of God yields a greater desire for and an insight into His Word.