What a wonderful weekend worshiping and diving into 1 Timothy as we begin learning about the intentional church! 🙌✨ Grateful for this time to grow in faith together. What stood out to you the most? Share in the comments! 📖❤️ Check out the playlist at https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4MV4ufAUBsL5GqWY34F96U?si=OdPEXDFpQL2ShdnMSlBuZA&pi=yfLY5bawTcKPX
We’ve got so many great things going on at Fellowship! We are “Better Together” because of all of YOU promising to go “All In” in 2025! Here’s a quick recap of some of our January events and special moments! #allin #bettertogether #sundayworship #blessedandgrateful
Senior adults, we hope you’ll
join us this Thursday, February 13, at 11:00 a.m. for our monthly luncheon! Please sign up to bring baked potato toppings, salad or dessert by emailing senioradults@fellowshipwaco.org or send a text to Jane or Nancy. Please visit our website if you’d like more information about ForeRunners Ministry: fellowshipwaco.org/senior-adults/.
Grateful for a morning of great food, fellowship and faith! The Fellowship Men’s Breakfast on Saturday was a wonderful time, with guest speaker and former Dallas Cowboy and Super Bowl Champion Burton Lawless!
Thank you so much to everyone who showed up Saturday morning to help clean out and tidy up the church! We are very grateful for your willingness to serve! 🫶 #bettertogether #allin #fellowshipchurch
Sunday was an exciting day, as we celebrated new life in Christ through baptism! These folks made a public declaration of their inward transformation because of Jesus Christ! Let’s celebrate with them and pray that they would continue to grow deep in their faith!