Milestone Vision Guide Campus Community Development - PRINT ADJUSTED

5-Year Vision Goal

To present every person complete in Christ by developing LIFE-giving disciples as God leads and multiplies.

We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.            (Colossians 1:28-29)

Over the next 5 years, our leadership team has identified several areas of focus as we continue to strive toward the mission and vision of Fellowship Bible Church. These goals include:


Reaching 100% regular worship attendance by those that call Fellowship home

Small Groups

To reach these goals we plan to encourage growth in LIFE-giving ministries and relationships at Fellowship. We also plan to edify the church body through authentic, relevant, and LIFE-giving expository preaching.

In order to track our progress on the overarching goals, we have developed more specific milestones to target over the next 5 years. These milestones are organized along several major tracks: The Elder Team, the Staff Team, Ministry Programming, Campus Planning, Missions & Outreach, and Stewardship.

Milestone Vision Guide Fall 2023

Introducing: The NEXT STEP Fund

With a generous seed gift of $100,000 from an anonymous donor in the church we are starting our NEXT STEP Fund as a special savings account that will allow us to move forward in faith together to a future Phase 3 of our campus. We want to thank you all for you faithful generosity at Fellowship. If you would like to learn more about how you can financially support our NEXT STEP fund, please visit our giving page or call the office for more information!

CLICK HERE to see the "Vision Guide: 5 Year Master Ministry Plan Milestones".

Our History


Fellowship Bible Church was founded in 1978 as an independent congregation committed to studying scripture together. We began as a home church before joining the Evangelical Free Church of America, adding several pastors and staff to our team, and completing progress on Phase 1 and 2 of our current Campus. Over the course of 45 years our focus has never changed: we are committed to glorifying God by living out the LIFE we have in Christ!


Since we moved to our current location in 2003, God has blessed Fellowship in providing for two major construction projects on our campus to do ministry in our community. Phase 1 is our main Worship Center, Student Wing, and Kids Wing. Phase 2 is our office, Early Childhood Wing, and Adult Ministry classrooms. God has also blessed us with a beautiful 50 acre campus to do outdoor ministries.

Ultimately however, Fellowship is much more than a building or two. Fellowship is about people and relationship. We are a community dedicated to following Christ, and encouraging our community to take next steps in faith together.

Take the Next Step

How can we help you get more involved at Fellowship? Have you considered joining us at our next worship service? Are you looking for small groups to join or ways to serve? Are you ready to dive deep into discipleship? Learn more about taking next steps or even your first step in faith!

Learn more about Fellowship and how to get involved!

If you are not already, would you consider becoming a regular giver to our Capital Fund?